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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890


Are you a Governor from another school? Please feel free to use our website links below to support you in your vital role. Please contact us if you would like any other governance information added to this webpage.

School Governing Body

The governors are made up from parents and staff, along with representatives from the church, community and local authority. 

Useful links for keeping up to date with national and local governance matters:

Department for Education: DfE link

National Governance Association*: NGA link 

Essex School Governance Association: ESGA link

Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Education: CDBE Link

* To support our Governors, we subscribe to the NGA. If you are a Coopersale Governor and you've forgotten your login details, please speak to our School Business Manager (our NGA platform admin).

 Declarations of Interests - Coopersale.pdfDownload
 Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2023-2024.pdfDownload
 Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2022-2023.pdfDownload
 Coopersale Governor Roles and Responsibilities 2021-2022.pdfDownload
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