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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890


Relationship & Health Education


Children today are facing new challenges presented by living in a complex and fast-changing world, living their lives on and offline. We believe that we can help them identify the exciting opportunities of this world while helping them stay healthy and safe. 

Our aims, as stated in our RHE policy, are to: 

  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place 
  • Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene 
  • Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy 
  • Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships 
  • Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies 

What We Teach 

Since September 2020 primary schools have been legally required to teach 'Relationships Education'. CLICK HERE to read the DfE statutory guidance

We teach RHE as part of our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education subject which encompasses all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing, alongside other important skills such as environmental responsibility, dental health, keeping clean and what to do in an emergency. 

RHE is composed of two main strands; ‘Relationships’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing’. As our curriculum map shows, we have carefully planned the development of this subject in line with the needs and maturity of our children.  

By the end of primary school, it is mandatory for pupils to have been taught content on: 

  • Families and people who care for me 
  • Caring friendships 
  • Respectful relationships 
  • Online relationships 
  • Being safe 
  • Mental wellbeing 
  • Internet safety and harms 
  • Physical health and fitness 
  • Healthy eating 
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 
  • Health and prevention 
  • Basic first aid 
  • The changing adolescent body 
 RHE Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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To read our RHE policy, go to our 'Policy' webpage by clicking on the Key Information tab above

Growing up with Yasmin and Tom: 

To deliver our RHE programme, we use 'Growing up with Yasmin and Tom'.

The Family Planning Association (FPA), developers of our online RHE resource 'Growing up with Yasmin and Tom', have a fantastic information area for parents. Click here to read.

Through the dedicated parents area, parents can:

1) Video - and hear age-appropriate "tone of voice" via the Yasmine and Tom introduction video.

2) Interactive lessons - parents can explore lessons, interactions and age-appropriate delivery.

3) Full lesson plan - broken down by age and year group.

4) Sex education opt-out - on the lesson plan we clearly highlight the sex education lessons that parents can opt their child out of.

5) Helpful FAQs - we answer the most common parental concerns.

6) “Why?” - parents can read straight-forward, evidenced-based reasons for why high quality RSE / RHSE is important.


NSPCC Let's talk PANTS with Pantosaurus!

In Year 2 we also use Talk PANTS - developed in consultation with children, parents, carers and teachers, Talk PANTS helps children understand their body belongs to them, and they should tell a safe adult they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. 

For more information about Talk PANTS, CLICK HERE

Further Information for Parents

To access the Department for Education's "Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school: a guide for parents", CLICK HERE

Year 6 Sex Education (Non-Statutory): Year 6 parents were invited to attend a parent information session on 17th November 2023 regarding the non-statutory Sex Education curriculum. During the presentation, session coverage was explained and resources to be used were shared. Click here for the presentation slides.

Year 5 Puberty Sessions (Statutory): Year 5 parents were invited to attend a parent information session on 3rd November regarding the upcoming statutory sessions on Puberty. During the presentation, sessions coverage and resources to be used were shared and discussed. Click here for the presentation slides.